Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Google Earth Virtual Tour

Here is the link to my Civil War Virtual Tour on Google Earth.


  1. Great job! I loved the pictures and different links you used. It made it really interesting. You also did a great job at making that path. Way to go!

  2. I liked your idea of using Google Earth to teach about the Civil War. It would really help kids to be able to visualize the places where the battles took place and the division within the country. I loved it!

  3. You did a great job on your virtual tour. The pictures were a nice touch. This is very beneficial information for students to study and your tour makes it interesting.

  4. Great job on the virtual tour. I really liked how you incorporated so many good pictures. You also had really good activities that took advantage of the information sites you provided in the tour. I also liked the two picture paths that you included.
